NAKED MINERALS luminous mineral highlighter[Review,photos & Swatch]

05:04 gbh 13 Comments


Bring out your inner diva and highlight your assets with our gorgeous universal shimmer. Created to look glamorous on all shades of skin, it’s the quickest way to turn your “Day” look into “Night”. Simply give your eye shadow an added pop, or give your cheekbones a lift. Don’t forget your décolleté, shoulders, arms, and back for some extra sparkle. Be subtle where a light dusting will do or look like a rock star and glam it on. Either way, you’re sure to get noticed every time.

 My Experience

I got to try some products from NAKED Minerals ,This highlighter is also one of them.This is a mineral highlighter comes in transparent packaging and has 3.4g of product.The packaging is simple and sturdy.The product has a finely milled shimmer and when applied to cheeks it gives a subtle and highlighting effect.This is a mineral highlighter so it takes some time to show on face after adjusting with body temperature.The shimmer doesn't highlight any pores on cheeks and can be use in day time as well as the glow is very very natural,Overall i like this highlighter and is one of my GO TO products these days.

Reasons to have  

  • Mineral highlighter that adds glow to cheeks 
  •  Easy to carry 
  • doesn't highlight open pores on face

Reasons to leave

  • you may find this Expensive

My Ratings


 Would I Recommend

YES but you have to spend some bucks to get it.

Price and Availability 

You can purchase it directly from NAKED MINERALS WEBSITE in $16.95.They ship worldwide and also to Pakistan.
Do you have any EXPERIENCE with NAKED MINERALS.Do share with me in comment box below. 

 Love shafaq


  1. superb swatches Thanks for sharing :)

  2. Shafaq... if this is as good as you say it is... I think it would be worth the cost ;-)

  3. Sounds great, nice review :)

  4. Never try any product from Naked but heard some goods words from fellow bloggers. This one also seems good product xx

  5. What an amazing review. Thanks so much for sharing! I seriously need to check this product out. I'm your newest follower via GFC (#86) and bloglovin (#41). I'd love it if you could check out my blog and follow back?! Also, it'd be great to keep in touch via twitter if you wanted! Let me know =)
    Twitter: Sensiblestylist

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  7. Whenever I read a review like these ones,I always want to try these products immediately,I don't know why.I just have the urge to have everything lol :) I'm so greedy,anyways good review.Thanks for sharing :)

  8. Amazing review.

    Following you back

  9. I've been using the makeup forever highlighter, give it a try if you can get your hands on some, its amazing!!!!

    check/follow my blog please-

    1. hey sure i will give it a try as well...thanks for stopping by

  10. Sounds like a promising product, great review:) xx


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