WnW mega last lipsticks,Dont blink pink and purty persimmon~Quick Review & Swatches

04:43 gbh 4 Comments

hey my makeup lovers

Being a die heart of WnW lipsticks,i love to add every lovely shade of them in my stash.Well i got 2 new shades in my vanity(Haul post here).

I already review them in detail so without going into their cheap packaging and excellent formula,(Read my detailed review of Wet n Wild lipsticks here)i shall talk about these two shades only.

First is don't blink pink/rosy princesse,a rosy pink shade that looks flattering hot on my skin tone.I am NC20-25.If you a pink lipstick lover like me than this is a must,trust me.I am in love with this pink,not using any other pink lippie these days due to this.

Second shade is purty persimmon,an orange but with strong red undertones,again another flattering shade for my skin tone.Below are the swatches of both in day light.Just like the range,they lasts up to 5 hours,transferable but the longevity makes them ideal,matte finish and creamy smooth texture.What else,yes the flimsy packaging is so irritating.


I bought each for Rs.400/- from Shopaholic.

Which one is your favourite WnW lipstick?

Stay Blessed.

Gracias for reading,


  1. I love don't blink pink allot, infaxt its the only bright pink I love to flaunt :)

  2. Both shades are very pretty...lovely swatches dear.....xoxoxo....^_^

  3. If colors are that gorgeous then who cares for cheap packaging
    Have a great week

  4. I have smokin hot pink but Dont blink pink is on my wishlist!


hey my lovelies...Do comment as i love to hear your thoughts...you can also email me if you want to ask something at shafaqsaleem12@gamil.com