Freeman Creamy facial Scrub Apricot~Disappointed product

01:21 gbh 8 Comments

When you have high really high expectations from a product and that product turns out to be so bad,same thing happened to me,I had seriously high hopes from this product.I read some good things about this.Being  huge fan of freeman masks(Read review here),i thought this scrub would be equally good for me.I ve been using st ives scrub(read review here) for 3 years now and just got bored with it and wanted to try something else.Got this but this is so light and dint do the justice to scrubbing job.I scrubbed my face for 4-5 min as per instructions but still the softness and clarity of skin was not there.I had to use my regular st ives scrub right after that to got my dead skin removed.This can be mild scrub but still not my preference as i did nothing to my blackheads and blemishes or removing my dead skin. Overall i don't like this product,a BIG FAT NO from my side.

Price Rs.280-300

Availability I spotted this at grocery store,so you can easily find it in your city. 

Did you try this?

Gracias for reading,


  1. St Ives one is such a trusted product!

  2. ahh i so wanted this to be good.Great review <3

  3. Nice review dear and I agree St ives scrub is the best.....xoxoxo....^_^

  4. Thanks for the heads up!!

  5. I have tried some Freeman masks also and I love them. Too bad this scrub isn't working for you.

  6. sara hassan reviewed about stives apricot facial scrub . did u try?

  7. that was such a dud going by ur review,... Thanks fr letting us know :)


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