LORYS ceramides hair cream/Conditioner[Review & Photos]

06:34 gbh 8 Comments

Hair conditioning is must if you are one of hair care freaks like me...yes i do care about my hair  allot as compared to my face;p.conditioning makes hair soft,manageable and detangle.I use conditioner once or twice a week only as excess use is one of major factor of hair thinning.I was going through different reviews some 5,6 months ago where i read shinnaya review on this cream.I thought to give it  a try and from then i didn't buy any other conditioner.Why?read more

 LORYS says 

This new hair cream lorys ceramide was developed to deeply treat and condition opaque and damaged hair.For special conditioning apply the product avoiding contact with scalp and leave it for 15 min wearing an aluminum cap or hot towel,then rinse off. 


LORYS is a Brazilian brand that deals in hair creams.These hair creams are available nation wide and are cheap too.This conditioner comes in a huge jar of 1000g of product which is enough for me for 3 months.I have finished 3 bottles and this is my 4th one.This time i bought the ceramide cream as i coloured my hair and they became very dull and lifeless after that(will never use dye again"sigh") Every time i buy different formula and that always turned out very good.This cream is used as regular conditioner.After cleaning your hair with a shampoo,take some good amount of product and apply it on the length of hair,leave it for 2 min and then rinse off .The results are visible from very first use.Hair condition becomes better after every use.I am really happy with this cream.I love it.I also do deep condtioning with this once a month as per instructiuons.I apply the cream and wrap the hair lenght with hot towel and then i leave it for 15-20 min and then rinse with water.The deep conditioning really leaves hair super smooth. 

Reasons to have 

  •  leaves hair soft smooth and moisturized
  • availible in almost 12 different  formulas for every hair type
  •  easily available nation wide 
  •  can be use as deep conditioner

Reason to leave 

  • Not a single reason to leave i must say

Would I Recommend 

without a doubt yes

Price And Availability

It is reasonably priced at Rs.390/- and available at all leading stores nation wide.you can easily spot it any where in your own city.
Do you have any experience with this hair cream?Do share with me in comment box. 

 love shafaq xoxoxo


  1. hmmm that sounds pretty good to me.I use sunsilk hair mask and it is good too.But since brazy brands r better i will def give it a try. great review xoxo

  2. I love hair creams Shafaq... I have long dry hair that I only wash twice a week... occasionally three times... never more.

    I am always looking for a good cream to soften my hair as I do color it... about 6-8 times per year (a necessity as I don't want grey hair, lol)

    I will have to look this product up and try it out :)

  3. Love ur post thanks for posting :)

  4. Love ur post thanks for posting :)

  5. These seem great..and the price is really good for the quantity you're getting :)

  6. Is there any way to buy this? Online or otherwise?

  7. Is there any way to buy this in India? Online or otherwise?

  8. im also user of this hair cream.. :) im totally agreed with shafaq :) yeah, its really good conditioning hair cream !


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